Solo Festival
For solo and ensembles: serves a threefold function. It is a major fund-raiser for scholarships and serves as an opportunity for all students to perform for comments and receive a rating from qualified judges outside CCMTA. It serves as a great preparation platform for a “first hearing” for students preparing for CCMTA Auditions, public performances and other competitions. It’s great for all ages, all levels of playing ability and different instruments, including voice!
Pianothon is a major scholarship fund-raiser for CCMTA. Performing at Town Center Mall is a fun way to begin the Holiday Season. Teachers sign up for a block of time for their students to perform. Musical selections may include Christmas favorites but other music may be performed.
CCMTA Local Auditions
In contrast to Solo Festival, which offers opportunities for students of all levels of ability to participate, Auditions are meant to be competitive. Prepare your students to understand this process, knowing that competition will be keen. Scroll down for CCMTA Local Auditions information and helpful instructions.
Fall Festival, Pianothon, Local and GMTA Auditions